Sunday, July 20, 2008

June 2008 in a nut shell

It's that time again. Time to blog! Yes this is a record length of time to go between blogging, but to say the least the Harris family has been busy. But we are back home, done with traveling, done with birthday's, done with everything and ready to relax. This blog is going back in time to catch up where I left off last time. So bear with me. I have to do this since I do not scrapbook, this is my way of capturing Hooper's life in pictures.
Hooper continues practicing driving and is getting better and better.
Thankfully Daddy is always there to help.

Check out those blue eyes! For some reason this day, his favorite toy was his plastic green fork. Kids, go figure!
On June 24 was Dee's 41st Birthday! Since I was 38 weeks pregnant last year on his BIG 40, we decided to play it easy not knowing if Hooper was going to come at any minute or not. Anyhow I tried to make up for it this year and threw him a Surprise 41st Birthday Party with all our friends. He definitely was surprised!
Please forgive all the beer signs in the background. We didn't even think of this when we were taking the pictures.
Dee and his cake. It's a golf cake of Dee in his favorite Univ. of Tenn. shirt holding Hooper while sitting on the golf course. Not the greatest cake ever made, but I had to throw it together while Dee was not home so my time was very limited.
This is the only shot I got of the group. Unfortunately not everyone is in the picture. This is our old Sunday School class. We love them so much!
After the party we headed back home to let Dee open his presents from Hooper and me. Hooper really was a big help in opening the packages.
I caught this one day as Hooper was taking a nap. Please excuse the no sheets on the bed as this was laundry day and he fell asleep before I could have them washed, dried and put back on. But look how cute this foot sticking out is!
Beautiful, just beautiful to me!
In trying to keep Hooper out of the electronics, one day I decided to pile a ton of pillows up so he could not get to the "no-no's." As you see it did not stop him.
Oh the pillows fell!
He was in a "discovering" mood on this day. Here he is finding out what is behind the rocking chair.Oh and look, he found my step stool. He can climb to the first ring but will not go higher, thank God. And cannot get down either. He's stuck here!
If you're an avid Hooper Blog follower, you know that Hooper loves soft pillows! Here's his favorite one that he's pulled up to lay against the ottomon with.
So sweet!
So much for the sweet and innocent face. Let's stick our tongue out!
Oh that's so funny!
How about the tongue, just one more time!
As usual Hooper has to help me fold laundry! He loves it so much. Let's hope this love continues through life. I sure could use the help!
Even the laundry is fun to lay on!
Ok maybe he does not help out that much, but he sure does make it more fun!
Once again trying to get to the electronics via the pillow trap!
Let's show how we feel about this deturant to his electronic obsession!
Who knew sitting in a basket could be so much fun?

Getting out is not so easy!
Hooper and I like to go to the park when it's not too hot. However he's decided that crawling on his knees hurts in the grass, so here he is learning the "bear crawl."
This would have been a great shot if the U-Haul truck wasn't in the back ground.
I love this serious face he gets when he's studying something. He must be studying the bark on the tree.
Hooper went to his first Vacation Bible School this year. Here he is in the bounce house.
Oh what fun this is!

His favorite part of VBS was getting to go on the Kid Cart for a ride everyday. Once again on the golf course playing with Daddy's golf balls.
Check out the hair! Yes it's extremely long in this blog but we were waiting for Mamaw to come in town so she can cut it.
Although he had discovered his tongue a while ago, he's obsessed with it now. Here's his Daddy an him playing.
I was trying to get a shot of him with balls and sports equipment for his first birthday party invitation. Here's my attempts:
I looked up one day and he's climbing into the rocking chair all by himself. Dee saw him do the entire stunt and hollered (is that really a word) for me to get the camera.
We now live in a "Gated Community." Well to be technical, it's a gated house now, ha! In attempts to keep Hooper corralled we put this in the hallway.
Dee bought Hooper his own golf clubs and boy is he wild with them!!! He looks like some kung foo dude performing here. Let's just say when he's playing with these, you do not want to be anywhere around!
This is Hooper on his 11mos. birthday (June 5). Notice again the wild hair.
You can't keep him still for very long anymore.
For my birthday in April, Dee bought me a bicycle with a baby seat on the back. So of course Hooper had to have his own helmet. Is he cute or what? And believe it or not he wears it without any problems.
Another new favorite play toy is the drawer that holds the lids. He's discovered he can empty it and crawl into it.
I'm going to leave you with one last hair photo....this was after waking up from a nap.
Stay tuned for more updates soon as well as his new hair cut pictures. He's sure handsome!!!

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