Monday, January 19, 2009

Just an ordinary day

While I was cooking dinner one night last week Hooper went to the pantry, got out the box of Cheerios, took it to the living room where his cartoons were playing and had himself a little snack. I love how he put the Cheerios container on top of another box to make it easier to get into. Genious! For those of you with little ones you know how the hours between 4 and 6pm are considered "h*ll hour" right? Well I'm trying anything to help this time be "nice hour" instead so if anyone has any suggestions I'm OPEN!!! Anyhow here's one of my solutions...and don't worry grandparents, I NEVER leave him alone or out of immediate reach or next to anything hot or sharp. But this DOES work!
Just look how content he is!
For Christmas he recieved this toy called Fridge Phonics and it's wonderful!!! You put the letters in the device (on the floor) and it tells the letter name and the sound it makes also sings the alphabet. Hooper LOVES it! Thanks Mamaw and Papaw!
Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

ryanandmarlaballard said...

So funny... Maggie has to sit on the counter top EVERY night while I cook supper. No matter what Ryan does, he cannot entertain her enough while I cook, so up she goes to the counter. She loves to help me "cook" with her plastic bowls and spoons. AND, Kaytie Jane has the same "fridge phonics" and we LOVE them!