Monday, March 30, 2009

Watching Mickey

Hooper has really become a TV buff...well he'd be more of one if I let him. His favorite 2 shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Imagination Movers on Disney. He'll climb up in the chair, grab the remote control and start saying either "Mimmie" (Mickey Mouse) or "Moo moo" (Movers). Here he is GLUED to the TV over a few days. (don't worry he's only allowed one in the morning, and one in the afternoon, so it's not as bad as it looks). He's trying to look around me at the TV while I'm trying to take his picture.
Another lovely matching outfit, ha.

For special treats he'll get to watch one while eating. Notice the foot on the table again. Now this is kicked back.

I ordered diapers off the internet and the boys LOVED playing on the box for days. They even watched TV on it.
And yes, Hooper is holding his "mop mop" while watching Mickey.

I've never thought about chewing on my mop before, but apparently they're good!

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