Friday, June 5, 2009

Easter 2009...continues

Yes I know it's June and I'm still trying to catch up on Easter pictures. But the good news is....this is the final Easter 2009 post! Yippee!
My home church (Fellowship Baptist Church, Blossom) had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos Saturday morning and Hooper instisted on going. He won the prize for the youngest boy hunting eggs. The pictures do not show his enthusiasm at all, but trust me he had a great time! We're just in this "I'm not smiling for the camera" phase right now, ha! Papa was Hoopers basket carrier for the day. A Papa's work is never done, ha! He loved the candy on the inside!
He's more of a quality and not quantity type of kid.

The real hit of the party was this little white fluffy dog. Hooper LOVED her!
Here he is receiving his prize egg.
My easter bunny himself modeling Hooper's winning egg.
Hooper found a ball and the egg hunting was over!
They even had a slide at their egg hunt. He loved this place.
Notice the chocolate mouth.
My two men, hand in hand. Life is GOOD!
Uncle Doug was loading up his ice chest full of ice to head to deer camp and Hooper HAD to help load it in his truck.
That's it. I'm finally done with Easter blogging.

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