Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our FIRST CHRISTMAS at our house! (the preparation)

Ever since Dee and I were dating we always went to my parents house on the 23rd, spent the night, celebrated opened all presents at their house with the whole family Christmas Eve, got up Christmas morning headed to Ma's for the best breakfast in the world, opened presents there and then hit the road to Tennessee by noon to drive all day and all night, get to TN in the weee hours on the morning and spend the 26th on celebrating in TN. Well this year was a little different. Dee and I really wanted to start the tradition of Hooper waking up Christmas morning at his own house, not rushed, and get to play with his toys all day, and enjoying the entire day as a family. So that is just what we did this year. The rest of the festivities went as they had in the past with the exception to instead of staying Christmas Eve at my parents and going to Ma's Christmas morning, we left Christmas Eve evening and came back to Plano, spent the entire day Christmas HOME and then flew out to TN the 26th at 8:00 AM! We chose to fly this year because a 14 hour car ride with Hooper just did not sound fun for anyone involved. Thank God for frequent flyer miles from Dee's travels! Anyhow here are pictures from our FIRST CHRISTMAS at home!
Our living room after Dee cleaned out ALL Hooper's old toys. Getting ready for the new ones.
These are the presents just for us...all others have either been sent or already opened at other celebrations.

After Hooper went to sleep we moved the presents off the TV and back under the tree.
Dee putting together Hooper's "play tent."
The toys and other fun surprises under the tree.
Guess who's stocking this is?
The final product...Hooper's play tent! The largest "dome" in the center is filled with balls.
Me playing in the ball pit
Dee's putting together the "Shake and Go Speedway"
I love this picture of him. He's watching the cars race around the track!
Hooper's surprise he gets to wake up to.
Stay tuned for Christmas morning pic's........

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