Friday, May 22, 2009

Under the BIG TOP

Before I get to the below pictures I just have to ask for some prayers for little man Hooper. We just got back from the doctor and he has Croup. Yes, I thought this was an "old" thing too, but it's still alive and kicking and apparently, VERY contagious! He's miserable, esp. when he sleeps. Thankfully it's not a "serious" illness, just makes him miserable! Please pray for him!!
Now onto the pictures. Last month (April) we took Hooper to his first circus. Barnum and Bailey's Circus in Allen, Tx to be exact. He LOVED it. Well the first half, then he got a little bored and ready to go. Here are some photos from the day of FUN!Nana and Papa were in that weekend so they got to join in on the fun...and help us corral Hooper, ha! He really loved the petting zoo outside.
I need a gate like this at home, ha!
Holding Nana and Daddy's hands.
Goats! Oh my!
Poor Dee. Hoop drug him all over.

I know there are several pictures of just them walking together, but they're both too CUTE!

Back to the goat. Hooper like to LOOK at the goats but NOT touch them!
Seriously watching the show!
I love the look on both of their faces here.
Not sure what's happening though!
The elephants were the final event and unfortunately by this time Hooper was DONE!
Here he is signing "all done." Poor baby!
All this excitement is just too much for one day!

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