Tuesday, May 19, 2009


If you know Hooper, you know he LOVES tools. So much so that we are having a "tools" birthday party this year. This past weekend my parents were in babysitting us while Dee was in Tennessee for Craig's 21st Birthday (Happy Birthday Craig) and Nana and Papa got Hoop a new tool set. Look how cool he is in his safety glasses with his new drill.
He even bathed with the screws. And went tee tee with them too. Have you ever seen such a happy boy sitting on the potty? Yes, we have the little potty seat insert even the frog potties, but he prefers to sit on the "big" potty. Oh well what ever works, right?

1 comment:

believe it or not...it's just me said...

we got the workbench at toys r us. it is pretty cool, only now I realize why it is not recommended for little ones. Molly pulls up on it and it is light weight so she pulls it down on herself.