Friday, December 5, 2008

A boy, a penguin and a potato

For some reason Hooper decided to sit on his blow up penguin and drink his milk. But the problem was that he cannot sit still therefore.......he kept moving....and moving...
Until it threw him! I was cooking the other night and when I got the potatoes out of the pantry Hooper decided he wanted one to play with. He sat in the floor of the pantry for the longest playing with it, then got up, went to a cabinet, found a spatula and started "cooking" the potato on the floor.

He even tasted it.
And loved on it some more....who knew a potato could be so fun?
My Dad (Oga) came for a visit this week and Hooper conned him into cleaning the vents. Actually what happened was Dee had cleaned them one day last week while my Dad was over babysitting ME (I was sick) and well Hooper remembered it and wanted to do it himself this time. This boy doesn't forget anything....well anything he wants to remember. He just can't remember the stuff I tell him "no" about...over and over. Boys!

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