Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ike the Dog

It's funny how kids take to toys one day at a time. I mean one day it's just a toy and the next it's the toy they cannot live without. That's how Ike the dog is. Hooper always loves him but 2 days last week he would not put him down. He drug that poor dog all over the house giving it lovin'. It's bigger than him, but that does not stop him hugging on him.

This is him wanting me to hold Ike while I cook dinner.
He's not that happy that I won't stop what I'm doing to hold the dog.
So he just decided to lay on the floor with Ike at my feet.
This makes cooking so much easier.... a child AND a stuffed dog at my feet now, ha!
Thanks again Mom and Dad for "Ike" ... Hooper loves him!

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