Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas PJ's

Nana and Oga bought Hooper these adorable red Christmas PJ"s that have dog's all over them wearing reindeer antlers. Too cute! So I waited until they came for a visit to debut them.

If you haven't picked up on this....Nana and Hooper have a love affair going unlike anything I've ever seen! In this picture Nana is in the bathroom and Hooper is lying on the floor trying to get her to come out. Hooper is getting more and more interactive as well. Here's their conversation as Nana said it went from the bathroom:

Nana: "Hooper?"

Hooper: "UhHuh!"

Notice Nana's finger's coming from under the door.

Like I said these two have a love for one another that only they can understand!
I must say that I am jealous, ha!

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