Monday, October 26, 2009

Neyland's 4 Month Pictures

My, my where time goes. Neyland turned 4 months old Saturday. Here are some pictures celebrating the BIG day. He's such a good baby! Happy all the time and has been sleeping 10-12 hours a night since he was 2 months old...PRAISE GOD! He LOVES his big brother and is just happy to sit in his swing and look around. He's so sweet! I just adore this little blessing! Check out those big eyes!
No, he's not rolling over yet. He's just getting in some "tummy time" here.

He LOVES to put his feet up in the air and try to put them in his mouth. Here he's playing with the teddy bear with his feet.
Oh what sweet lovin'
And look at those beautiful eye lashes.

Hooper's First School Picture

Hooper goes to Kid Care (Mother's Day Out) at our church every Monday and Wednesday and just loves it! They took school pictures in September and they turned out so cute. I love them although it makes him look SO BIG! What happened to my baby? Hooper 2 years