Friday, February 27, 2009

Sickness, sickness go AWAY!!!

Well for the first time in 19 months our house got hit with a terrible stomach virus. Thanks church nursery! Beginning Monday night/Tuesday morning Hooper woke up in the middle of the night vomiting, ugh! This continued on and off until Wednesday when it really hit him HARD!! Then at the same time I came down with it, ugh! Now mine is completely over, Hooper is almost 100% but poor ol' Dee has it now :( Hooper has felt so sorry for him. Earlier he gave him his pacifier and just a minute ago he brought him Ike, the dog. Then he crawled up in his lap for some love.
When Hooper's sick he gets anything he wants. Isn't that the rule? So he's eating the living room. But he decided it was much easier to eat them off the floor than out of the box. And as usual, when the going gets tough around here I call in help from my Dad! Last week he had to rescue us too (I'll post those photos later).
Hooper wanted Papa to lay down on Ike with him.
And here they are eating Cheerios..this time in the kitchen. Thank God!

We're all about back to normal..if we can get Dee 100% now. Praise God this mess is about over. I just pray my parents do not get it now!
Thanks again Papa!!! You came to the resue and saved us AGAIN!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blanket Fun!

Last week Hooper and his Daddy had a blast playing with the blankets. Who knew they could be so entertaining? So even the next day after Dee went to work Hooper continued to have fun playing in them.

Here they are having a ball in them.
Dee would wrap him up in the blanket and swing him around.
Of curse Hooper would just squeal!
What a face!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Misc fun!

These are just some random cute pictures I caught of him and thought I'd share!
He loves Dee's headphones. And he'll make anyone around wear them. Talking on his Diego phone to Nana. Love the serious look.
Wild hair and all, he's still precious!

Hooper's best friend..Ike

If you've followed Hooper's blog long you know how much he lives this stuffed dog his Nana and Papa got him...Ike (because they got it at Ikea). Anyhow the past few weeks he has become even more attached to it than usual.
Here's some shots of the past few days with Hooper and Ike:
Watching Mickey Mouse with Ike
The orange thing is Hooper's laundry basket from his room. I brought it out to do the laundry but Hooper had other ideas for it...a fort! Of course Ike had to join in on the fun!

Then William decided he wanted Ike and the fight was on!
Look at that sweet William face!
Rolling around with Ike on the floor!
And Ike has to play in the ball pit.

Ike is such a good dog! Every boy needs a good dog...stuffed or real.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Toes for lunch..anyone?

For some reason Hooper was fascinated with smelling his toes at the lunch table lately. But with toes as sweet as his I guess I'd have to sniff them all the time too!

Toothbrush Heaven

What is Hooper so excited about? What is in the bucket? You guessed it..toothbrushes. I've mentioned this fettish before but we're at a whole new level. Nana thinks he may become a dentist when he grows up.
Onto yet another "toothbrush day." This time the fun is putting them in the cabinet over and over again.
Yes we're now up to 3!
Too cute!

This kid should have the cleanest teeth in Texas!

Happy dental health everyone!

Monday, February 23, 2009


I was in the middle of cleaning off Dee's desk, went to another room for a minute and when I returned I found Hooper "manning" it like he was Mr. Bossman!
Please excuse the mess. I PROMISE it's all clean now!!!!

Love of my life!

These are just some pictures I took the other day when Hooper was actually in a "picture taking" mood. I know there are a lot of the same things but I just cannot resist a sweet face!

He gets so tickeled!

One of my fav's
And another...

That's it..told you it was just a whole lotta cuteness!