Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Neyland's 8 month pictures....a month late

Last week Neyland turned 9 months old but before I post those pictures I must go back and post his 8 month pictures to see the difference. I don't know where the time goes. Everyone said this first year of his life would be about "survial" and to expect nothing to get done other than that....and guess what? They were right! But regardless of if we are on top of things or not here in the Harris house we are having a BLAST and I am loving every minute of it!
Neyland is the SWEETEST baby in the World! He loves to sit and play by himself and really loves to watch his big brother and William! His favorite toy is his brown teddy bear which he gets his monthly "growth" pictures with. He MUST have it to sleep with and we even take it to church or anywhere else with us as his security item. I think it's so sweet to see him snuggle it and love it so much! Here are his monthly growth pictures taken (3/2/10) a week after he turned 8 months. And as usual, you had better want to see a lot of pictures if you're reading this, because when your kids are as cute as mine, you just can't pick one or two pictures to post!

Uh-oh, he fell over. Either that or he was "all done" taking pictures.

These were taken the day before he turned 8 months. How precious can one little boy be?
See how much he loves teddy!
He is so happy all the time!
Still loving those big eyes and long eye lashes!
Nana calls him "hoot owl" because of his big eyes and the way he HAS to look at everything around him.

Oh what good toes! Keeping socks on him is a daily battle!

If your toes were this cute, you'd nibble on them too!
Dee was playing peek-a-boo with his blanket and he loved it!

Brothers! I am so blessed to have two boys so close in age! At this point they love each other dearly...I pray they always will!
Hooper had to get in on the peek-a-boo fun.

I think he confused. It's a cracker not a cigar!
I heard him laughing in the living room and went in to see what was so funny. I found him rolling around in the floor with this blanket just having a glorious time all by himself.

We had a wonderful 8 months and can only look forward to more fun in the future! God is so good!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

First full of day Spring 2010...SNOW!!!!!

Well I just noticed that the last time I posted a blog was of our last snow...Feb 11. So I'm not on top of things...blog wise other than snow I guess. Yesterday was the first day of Spring and we were blessed with snow, again. This has been the snowiest year I can remember in a long time! Hooper sure has enjoyed it to say the least. Here are some pictures taken this morning.

I had to go out before breakfast to get a couple pictures, just in case it began to melt before I could let Hooper out to play, and well Hooper wasn't about to let me out alone(yes, in his PJ's)! Do not think it's anyone's birthday because of the sack, that's just what Hooper was carrying his toys around in this morning and HAD to bring it with him.Our backyard They predicted 1 inch...I think it was a little more than that, ha. The weather channel said we got 8 inches and I think we definitely got that much here.

Hooper calls these his "fireman" boots. Too cute! Nana and Papa bought him these when he was still in the hospital....just born!
Ok, now that breakfast is over it's time to PLAY!
My boys have the BEST Daddy inm the world!
This is a foot print in the snow. Dee said his feet sank about 9 inches everytime he took a step.

Oh I love this little guy!
The snow drifts on the top of the house were around 30 inches! This was a very WINDY snowing!

Our house once again covered in snow. We don't have one, but all of our neighbors Bradford Pear trees are in FULL bloom...covered in snow. So pretty!

The boys tried and tried but could not get a snow man built. Dee said the snow was too fine.
But they made lots of snow angels and still had lots of fun!

You may ask where Neyland is during all this fun....napping!
Happy Spring!