Monday, August 31, 2009


This weekend Hooper has been obsessed more than usual with Neyland. Anytime Neyland's awake he thinks he should be laying next to him, playing, kissing or whatever...just as long as he's laying next to him! We are so blessed he's not jealous! Thank you God! From the look on Neyland's face he's getting squished once again by big brother.
Love the arm over him!
I hope and pray Hooper always loves his brother this much!

Coolness in his pajamas

There's not many words that can be said about this boy other than he's just...Hooper! Here are a couple cute shots from this morning. For some reason he insisted on wearing his goggles while working on his car. He truly knows it's important to be safe! I asked him to smile, so he pulled up the goggles and gave me a big "cheese."

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


He's 2...a 2 year old boy. That about sums up this morning. Yes just this morning! Here's how it went:
First thing: After breakfast I knew Hoop would need to go "poop" soon, so I put him on the potty, even though he kept saying "no," and well nothing happened. So I thought while I was getting ready (in the bathroom) I'd just leave his diaper off in hopes that when he did need to go he would tell me. Well he did and then to the potty we went. Success! We were so happy that Dee and I were really congratulating him telling him what a great job he did, giving him high fives, etc. Well we had Neyland in his "rocker" chair in the bathroom with us and Hooper went over, in the middle of all the celebration, raised up Neyland's hand and gave him a High Five. Too funny! Then suddenly I hear an "uh oh tee-tee". Yep in all the excitedment Hooper had a tee-tee accident all over the rocker chair Neyland is sitting in and all around it. Hey at least he pooped in the potty, right?
Next adventure:
I'm feeding the baby and as always it got quiet up front. When I went to check things out I found him playing with a bottle of hand sanitizer. He's germ free is the good news, the bad news is so are two rooms of carpet in the house. So back to feeding the baby I go. Finish that task, onto the beginning of cleaning up the breakfast dishes when I have an overwhelming feeling I am to go check on him again..mind you this is about 2 minutes after I just cleaned up the hand sanitizer. This time he's found my yellow gel food coloring. He must have gotten into the closet with my cake decorations again. Thankfully I found him in time. The only things yellow were his hands and clothes. No house damage...this time. This is why he's shirtless in the photos below. I clean him up and move on. Time to "pump." Once again quiet. Can't do anything but pray when I'm "attached" to my friend the pump. I begin to notice how nice the house is smelling all of a sudden, hmmm. After finishing pumping I go investigate...this time he's found my LARGE bottle of clear decorating vanilla and has used it to "paint" the entire play area. It smells GREAT! Total mess, but hey at least it smells good in the house! Mental note "next time you need a quick air freshner and don't have time for a candle to kick in...break out the bottle of vanilla, ha!" *
That's how our morning was....all this BEFORE lunch! If you're ever bored and need a good laugh, come on over!
Here's some cute pictures from this morning. For some reason he didn't want to pose for the camera today. Instead he played "hide" with me.
My new favorite photo of him.
I'm trying to capture his very cool outfit. Notice shirtless as mentioned before due to the yellow food coloring, and mis-matched "Neyland" socks. Don't even get me started on the sock debate today, ha!
After nap we eventually lost the shorts and one sock. Now it's just diaper and one really cool, much to small sock.
Playing "hide from Mommy and the camera" again. Lots of giggles go along with this game. It's so much fun.
Peek a boo!

I can't see him here apparently.
Pure cuteness!

Mischief and all, you gotta love this kid!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

BIG ol' orange chair!

My cousin Kristi (along with her husband John and kids Mayzie and Evan) gave Hooper this amazingly HUGE TN blow up chair for his birthday and of course he loves it! Just look at that face...the smile is as big as the chair is...and that's saying a lot! Thanks again Purviance clan for the massive chair! Just remember, paybacks are.......
(pictures taken July 20, 2009)

Friday, August 21, 2009

This week in pictures

This has been a great week and I just had to share all we've done. Actually we haven't done that much but the boys have just been too cute and sweet. Lots of photo opportunities this week!
Neyland graduated from the sink to the bath tub and he really likes it. Anytime he's fussy you can give him a bath and he immediately relaxes. He must get his love for baths from me! He's really starting to smile more and more. Although this is not a true smile, it's a very peaceful happy face on him. Smiles are very hard to catch on camera at this point...but I'm not giving up.

The major undertaking of the week is our bathroom. We've been needing to remodel it for 4 years now and well...there's no time like the present. Here's my Hercules with his sledge hammer starting our remodel.
Hooper thinks this is the funnest thing in the world. Tools and demolition. Every little boys dream!This week he's really began saying the word "hammer" clearer and clearer. It's so cute. On that note, he's really become a chatter box this week in general. Night before last Dee dropped something and said "uh oh Spaghetti O's" and Hooper repeated it back verbatim. It was hilarious! The funniest thing he's saying right now though is "chicken fried." It's a popular country music song on the radio for those of you non-country fans, ha!One night when Dee came home Hooper decided to wear his daddy's shoes. Man oh man are those big shoes to fill! I hope and pray he'll be as wonderful of a husband and father as Dee is!
Before we go to bed everynight I go in and check on Hooper. Mainly to cover him up again as he just cannot keep covers on him. Anyhow this is how I found him. Using Mickey as his pillow. Too sweet!
Yesterday when he got up from his nap he came down the hall carrying his HUGE pillow. He put it in the living room floor and headed back down to his room. He returned again with his comforter. Before it was all over he had his pillow, comforter, Ike the dog, Mickey and his HUGE Teddy Bear all in the floor. He layed there playing on his pallet forever! It was one of those moments you want to capture in your mind and never loose! He and I layed there playing "pallet" for probably close to an hour and I LOVED every second! Neyland was asleep so I got some really sweet Hooper time. (before Hooper woke up I had really sweet Neyland time alone too) It was just one of those afternoons that Mommies cherrish! So much so that at 4:45 I finally looked up from playing with the boys and realized I had not even began to think about supper. Thankfully my wonderful husband came to the rescue and took us out to dinner.
Here's some photos from our pallet time:

One of Hooper's latest obsessions is pulling things (anything) up to stand on and observe what ever is going on. No matter if it's in the kitchen, the Pack'N'Play, objects on the bar, whatever..really anything he's NOT suppose to be into, he's finding ways to get them. To be honest, it's exhausting! I'm running out of hiding spaces for things, ha! By yesterday I was tired of telling him to get off the step stool and his chairs that go with his little round table so I put them in the garage thinking this would solve this problem. Well this problem solver wasn't even phased. He went up to the playroom and came back with his picnic table. Ha, jokes on me I guess! Here he's watching Neyland in his Pack' N'Play....again!
He moved the picnic table to the kitchen and found our keys. I noticed he grabbed them and ran to the play room. Scared he was going to "hide" them and they'd never be found again I followed him. Much to my surprise this is what I found. Him putting the keys IN the hole where the ignition switch should be. Mind you we've never showed him this and he ALWAYS sits in his car seat which is directly behind the drivers seat in the van, so I have no idea how he "knew" to do this. Smart kid!
Just look how perfectly he placed the keys. I just now noticed too that it's even the right key...the van key. Now how did he know that?
And finally, today I caught these precious pictures of Neyland taking a nap in his baby bed. This week I've been trying to get him use to sleeping in his room as opposed to sleeping in his crib that's in our room at night, or he usually sleeps in his Pack'N'Play or his swing during the day. Soon we're going to transition him in his room full time, so I thought I'd try to get him (and me) acclimated to it.
Is this a precious innocent face or what?
Life is GOOD at the Harris house!

Riding with his "tools"

Little girls carry baby dolls and purses, Hooper...he carries his toolbox!
Even when we went out to eat, he had to carry it in the restaurant. Oh well it keeps him entertained and he's so cute carrying it around! Sweet dreams are a sure thing when sleeping with your tools!
(pictures taken July 19, 2009)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Naked climbing

I know I probably post too many pictures of Hooper naked, and I know he'll thank me for them some day, ha...but for now he's just too cute not too. I promise the older he gets the less naked photos of him will appear!
I was giving Hooper a bath one day and had put Neyland in his bed. Well as soon as Hoop was out of the tub he had to immediately go check on him.

What some "sweet cheeks."
(picture taken July 2, 2009)

New Picnic table

For Hooper's 2nd Birthday Nana and Papa gave him his very own picnic table and he loves it. As soon as daddy put it together he HAD to have his snack at it!
Seriously, does it get any cuter than this?
Another terrible picture of me, but I have to occasionally put one or two on the blog to prove that I do exist and so they boys will some how know what I looked like when they were little. Looking terrible or not, I LOVE snuggling with Hooper. He's in the best snuggle mood when he wakes up from his naps!
(pictures taken July 11, 2009)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Talk about a "mess!"

As I've mentioned, when it's quiet in the Harris house, WATCH OUT! As I was feeding Neyland one day I noticed it was way too quiet up front. I knew they were probably into something but I had not idea what I was about to walk in and find....they emptied Dee's paper shredder...ALL over the floor! UGH!
For some reason he looks proud of himself here. This obviously was taken before punishment was given!
After time outs, they were made to clean up their mess, and what a mess it was. Needless to say I did most of the cleaning, but they weren't allowed to play until it was all cleaned up. Man this took forever! What on earth possesses kids to do such?
(pictures taken July 7, 2009)These pictures are really old (April 6, 2009) but I just had to add them. On another day they got into my 100 pc cookie cutter box and made another mess. This one much easier to clean up. When I told Hooper to clean up his mess he went and got his little broom and dust pan. How cute is that?