Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hooper has some news!

Hooper is proud to announce that he is officially going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! Praise God!
Coming in late June, hopefully on Dee's Birthday (June 24) we are expecting another wonderful little boy! For your viewing pleasure is one of his first pictures below!
Merry Christmas from the (growing) Harris family God is SO GOOD!!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Window time

My poor little man wants to go out side and play so badly but it's just too cold! So instead he just watches out the window and waves at the passing cars. He's so social!Since he's a little too short to see out the window alone he has to stand in a toy basket.Where there's a will there's a way!
Let's not forget the vacuum cleaner attachment. This is another favorite toy lately! This kid and cleaning utensils, ugh!

Now he's kissing the window. Oh how I wish it were cleaner!
And as I mentioned waving at passerby's.
We are READY for some warmer weather to play outside to say the least!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Island FUN!

My wonderful, crafty husband built me this island for the kitchen last year and I just LOVE it! I have no idea how I ever managed without it! Well now Hooper loves it as much as I do, just in a different way. This cabinet was designated "his" to hold all his baby food stuff when he was smaller but now that he's "investigating" everything, all his things got moved to other cabinets that are not so "reachable" to him. So he has decided it's the greatest toy ever now! We play "peek a boo" all the time and he just squeals! It's a complete pass through so imagine the fun.

Here's a picture with Hooper's doors open to get a better idea. Now...notice anything different?
Yes, he has discovered he can completely crawl from one side to the other THROUGH it! He just can't get out on the other side without some help.Here's William telling Hooper that it's not such a good idea to be doing this. William is the conscience that Hooper does not have!He even tries to block him from getting in but that didn't work!
There is NEVER a boring day at the Harris house!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hooper vs the Christmas Tree..part 1

Well everyone told me that Christmas time this year would be different with a toddler around and boy were they right! At first we tried to teach Hooper the "one finger" rule about touching the ornaments with just one finger. Ha, who ever came up with this obviously did NOT have boys. He can do some serious damage with one finger and really get them ornaments to swinging! So now we have a partially decorated tree. From Hooper level up are ornaments and there's nothing but lights on the lower half. Oh well. It's a ton of fun! He LOVES the balls on the tree the most of all and tries his hardest to get them. Here he is trying to climb the tree to get the "ba."Sweet little William always good. Well not always. On ONE instance he unwrapped a present and took the tissue out of a bag. But that's it. He's so good!

Peek-a-Boo Hooper!
His favorite place in the house now is behind the tree.
He then figured out he can stack the presents up to make building blocks to reach the balls.
So I tried to blockade them using pillows. Yeah, right! Not with Hooper!
This just gave him more height to reach higher up the tree.
More to come with the tree on the next post.

Ike the Dog

It's funny how kids take to toys one day at a time. I mean one day it's just a toy and the next it's the toy they cannot live without. That's how Ike the dog is. Hooper always loves him but 2 days last week he would not put him down. He drug that poor dog all over the house giving it lovin'. It's bigger than him, but that does not stop him hugging on him.

This is him wanting me to hold Ike while I cook dinner.
He's not that happy that I won't stop what I'm doing to hold the dog.
So he just decided to lay on the floor with Ike at my feet.
This makes cooking so much easier.... a child AND a stuffed dog at my feet now, ha!
Thanks again Mom and Dad for "Ike" ... Hooper loves him!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another trip to Nana and Oga's House

As I mentioned in my last blog, I'm going through old pictures that I have discovered somehow missed getting put on the blog. These pictures are actually from mid-October when we went to visit Hooper's Nana and Oga (my parents).
Hooper really enjoyed "driving" Nana's car and she let him for as long as he wanted to. Go figure. I don't think Nana chews on her stearing wheel like this. Let's at least hope not.

Now he's moved to Oga's hunting jeep. Can you tell he's making the "vrum vrum" sound here? He's such a boy!
Precious Oga and Nana!
Oga standing outside the jeep while Hooper's "driving."
Hooper wanted to go back to drive Nana's car again. I think he's on the wrong side. But hey, at least he knows how to use the door handle.
So they decide to take a drive together this time. I'm glad he's sharing her car with her.
Even at their house he knows where the Cheerio stash is. Talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar, ha!

I'm ending with one of my favorite pictures. My little brother still likes to sit in my dad's lap and it's precious! I love this kid!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pillow Fun

I'm going through some old pictures and realized there are some really cute ones I have not posted. About a month ago my parents came to visit and we all went to Target (of course!). Well Oga had Hooper and I found them playing in the pillow bin. Who knew this could be so much fun, but Hooper had a BLAST and we did too watching and laughing at him! More fun than a barrel of monkeys!

The things these two get into!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tuckered out!

One day last week I was piddling around the house while Hooper and William were playing. Well William took a nap early that day, but Hooper was still playing in the living room. Then all of a sudden I noticed it was quiet. Usually this means he's into something he's not suppose to be into. So imagine my surprise when I found him asleep in the floor! He's NEVER done this !!! I guess he was tired!
We don't even have to look at the clock to see it's nap time anymore. By 11:00 he's ready for his nap! Schedules are such a blessing!
Not to worry, I did not leave him here. After I snapped a few photos I put him in his crib and tucked him in.
One non-related photo to the above set. He really knows how to hold my cell phone now. I'm sure he's talking to his Nana!