Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dreaming of Tools

Just a quick picture or two. I just put Hooper down for his nap and he insisted on going to bed with his tools. He was so cute that I had to sneak back in and snap a photo of him sleeping with his tools.
I wonder what he's building in his dreams?
Oh how I love this boy!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're still here!

Ok so this isn't what you signed in to see, but at least it's an update..picture free :( Dee is installing a new hard drive and all my pictures are some where else and I can't download any new ones until everything is complete. Story of my life......computers love them/hate them! But I thought I'd at least update a little on Hooper and our life.

Hooper has been sleeping in his big boy bed since April 17 and on top of that he has NOT had "Bob" the pacifier since the 16th of April. We told him when he moved to his new bed that Bob did not get to come and he's never made an issue out of it. Thank you God!!! We're still having to lay down with him at night to get him to sleep but he's doing so good in it. Actually funny night last week in the middle of the night I hear this "thud" on the monitor then a loud cry. I ran to his room and he's standing at the end of the bed, looking up at me and said "uh,oh!" He'd fallen out of bed...night #9. Thankfully this was a first and we've since modified the bed to try and insure it doesn't happen again. Right now it's a little white trash looking, but as soon as Dee has some free time (poor guy) he's going to make some "pretty rails" for it. Will this bed ever be finished? Hooper can get in and out of it all on his own but really hasn't taken advantage of that just yet. He's only gotten up by himself 3 times in the mornings and this weekend I went away on a Women's Retreat at church and Dee said he heard him in the middle of the night crying, but it wasn't on the monitor. So he went to check on him to find him in the middle of the hallway. Hmmm. Still not sure about that one! But all in all he's done GREAT!

What else is new with Mr. Hooper....hmmm He is FASCINATED with lawn mowers, tractors and tools. So much so that we're scrapping the idea of a Mickey Mouse Birthday and changing it to a "tool" theme. Where on earth am I going to find tool favors? I've even researched the internet and am coming up completely empty! Yesterday I was changing the sheets on his bed and found a plastic hammer in them and one day last week he would not lay down without his wrench in hand. What a boy!

He's talking more and more and really enjoys playing outside. Today I asked him for a kiss and he bent down and kissed my belly. Too precious! He thinks all animals say "moo" no matter what type it is, with the exception to kitties and they say "mowww." Silly boy! We went to eat at Chuy's this weekend and had a little wait so we took him to see the Llama's behind the restaurant (yes in Plano, ha) and he just saying "moo moo" to them over and over. It was so funny. But neither Dee or I knew the true sound a llama makes, so we didn't correct him. Who knows, maybe they do say "moo?"

We only have 8 more weeks until Neyland is here! Yippee!!!! I cannot believe it's so close! I am so ready to see and hold him!! It just does not seem real though! His room is almost complete...almost. Hooper is going to spend this next weekend at my parents house so Dee and I have a goal of being 100% complete with the nursery by the time Hooper returns on Sunday. Pray for us, ha!

That's it for the latest update. Hopefully pictures will be back up later in the week. I only have a couple 100 or so to update, ha!

Thanks for stopping in. God bless!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Onion anyone?

While my parents were visiting last week Papa gave Hooper a green onion thinking he wouldn't like it. Well surprise to us all, he did. Not only did he like it, but he carried it around with him everywhere for a while. This goes against our "no walking with food" rule, but really how much mess can an onion make?

Hammering the onion helps!
I don't think eating and driving is against the law.

Love, love, love this face!
Hoop and Papa watching cartoons at his new table while eating the onion.
He knows how much Papa LOVES onions so he's sharing with him.
What a good boy!

You never know what he's going to like or not like.
Everyday is a new mystery and I love it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Before Hooper we had a decorative wine rack in the dining room. Well when he began crawling we put up the wine for fear he would pull it out on him and make a mess. Well today I was cleaning out a closet and they found my stash! Talk about partners in crime! I think I'll loose my Baptist card if this gets out, ha!William likes it so much that he took it to the play house. This doesn't look like his FIRST time, ha!
I may get fired after this....ugh oh!

Say Cheese

Unfortunately Hooper inherited my inability to smile without squinting his eyes like a chinaman and making a terrible "cheese" face. Fortunately for him it works and he's adorable doing it. One morning last week he was in a "cheesing" it mood in his high chair so I grabbed some cute shots.

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Car

Last weekend my parents came for a visit and brought Hooper a new car, a Little Tikes car that is and Hooper LOVES it. Unfortunately both Hooper and William like to drive it at the same time and from the looks of Hoop's face he's not that thrilled with having a co-pilot, ha!
Finally he got to drive the car by himself.
Thanks again Nana and Papa. Hooper LOVES his new car!

Big Boy Bed Update

Well we're getting closer and closer. Hooper's big boy bed is almost complete. Actually tonight is our first attempt to get him to sleep in it so pray for us all. He's wanted to sleep in it since it's been in his room but due to the helmet and football "rails" not being complete we would not let him just yet. And sleeping in the big boy bed means no more "Bob" the pacifier. This should be interesting! Actually the first night we had his bed in his room he wanted to sleep in it and we told him that he couldn't and that even if he could that he wasn't allowed to have Bob in it. So he shocked us and threw Bob in his crib and layed his head on his pillow. This is what gave us the idea that this may be the way we break him of Bob. I'll post updates later on how all of this works tonight. But for now here are some of the latest photos of the bed. It's all complete with the exception of the drawer facings and Dee's going to work on those as soon as Neyland's nursery is complete. First things first, ha!
Dee putting the helmets on.
Yes we even got Tennessee sheets for it.
Oh he LOVES this bed!
Here's a photo of his big boy bed and crib next to each other for now.
The football "rails" are not on in this picture. I'll try and post more of the "almost" complete bed later.
As Dee was drilling the helmets and final touches to the bed Hooper ran and got his drill and made some adjustments himself.
Love the look of determination here!
Stay tuned for more pictures. I'm very behind on blogging so I'll be posting lots this week...hopefully!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why do kids love to be naked?

One night after Hooper pottied he decided to streak for a while. Well he was just so cute in his football jersey and tush I had to take a few shots.
His thighs are getting so chubby and CUTE!!!
Oops, I had to disquise this one a bit. But look at those legs, how cute are they???

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Picasso watch out!

This week I decided I should start letting the boys get more expressive by coloring/drawing. So I taped some paper down to their high chair trays and gave them these "toddler" markers by Crayola that are suppose to be made just for little hands. Well their easy enough for them to hold but to actually get the itty bitty marker end to draw on the paper is another story. Let's just say I'm NOT a fan of these anymore. Great idea, but it just does NOT work. So I ended up giving them some pencils and letting them draw away. Next time I'm at Wal-Mart or Target I'm going to get some JUMBO sized crayons for them. Anyhow here are some pictures of them expressing their artistic abilities. See the green marker I'm talking about...cute but try explaining to a 20 month old to hold the marker just right to make it mark on the paper, ha!
Of course Hooper had to see how it tastes and apparently it's not that good.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Helping water again.

I know I've already posted pictures of Hooper watering the tree but he was helping Dee again and I just couldn't help but take more pictures.
He knows the water comes from here but he just can't seem to get it to come out.

Ahhh water at last!
Now Daddy has him pointed in the right direction. Let the watering begin!
I think our new trees love Hooper!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

WWF Showdown

The little boy I babysit during the week has 4 older siblings and apparently they've taught him how to wrestle which is hilarious! The only problem is that Hooper has NO idea what to do. Although Hooper is much stronger and heavier than him he hasn't figured out how to use it to his advantage just yet. Now anytime Hooper is lying on the floor or anything even close, William comes and attacks him. Here are some pictures of one of their latest matches. All Hooper was doing was trying to lay on the clean pile of laundry to be folded and poof! here comes a body slam.
They may look like they're hugging here but trust me they're NOT!

All I can say is that William better enjoy it while he can, because when Hooper realizes he's stronger the fight will be ON!!