Friday, April 25, 2008

Just a Quick Little Friday Blog

Ok so this is not a large blog by any means but hey it's better than nothing. I just noticed how I haven't put anything up lately and ....well Hooper just wanted to say hi in a few pictures to brighten up your Friday.
He loves playing in the window in the Dining Room. It's the only one that's low and he can see out. He played there forever this afternoon.

Yes I know I should be worried about the lace curtains coming tumbling down, but oh well...he sure is CUTE!!!
This is him after waking up this morning...he is the HAPPIEST morning baby! He definitely gets that from Dee!This picture is out of order but once again Blogger will not let me move it, ugh. This is our little naked Jay Bird heading into his bath last night.

Ok, back to this morning, see I told you they were out of order. He also discovered that it's really fun to play under the Dining Room table.
"Mom, you can't get me under here."
" Hi Everyone!"

He has some of the most interesting positions to take a bath. This does not look comfortable at all!
And check out the wash cloth in his mouth. This is a new thing. In the tub it's a wash cloth, out of the tub it's a sock in the mouth. Go figure.
Oops that round bottom gets him everytime!

Happy Friday Everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cannot belive how much your little man has changed...sue sue had pics of him at the office the other day of "their weekend" and i couldn't belive it was the same kid... i told her when i first glanced at the pics she had i seen something that looked like chris - through the eyes - i know its impossible but it just struck me that way! he is is cute - i see why yall kiss those sweet little cheeks all the time! have a good week, lisa