Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We're still here!

Ok so this isn't what you signed in to see, but at least it's an update..picture free :( Dee is installing a new hard drive and all my pictures are some where else and I can't download any new ones until everything is complete. Story of my life......computers love them/hate them! But I thought I'd at least update a little on Hooper and our life.

Hooper has been sleeping in his big boy bed since April 17 and on top of that he has NOT had "Bob" the pacifier since the 16th of April. We told him when he moved to his new bed that Bob did not get to come and he's never made an issue out of it. Thank you God!!! We're still having to lay down with him at night to get him to sleep but he's doing so good in it. Actually funny story...one night last week in the middle of the night I hear this "thud" on the monitor then a loud cry. I ran to his room and he's standing at the end of the bed, looking up at me and said "uh,oh!" He'd fallen out of bed...night #9. Thankfully this was a first and we've since modified the bed to try and insure it doesn't happen again. Right now it's a little white trash looking, but as soon as Dee has some free time (poor guy) he's going to make some "pretty rails" for it. Will this bed ever be finished? Hooper can get in and out of it all on his own but really hasn't taken advantage of that just yet. He's only gotten up by himself 3 times in the mornings and this weekend I went away on a Women's Retreat at church and Dee said he heard him in the middle of the night crying, but it wasn't on the monitor. So he went to check on him to find him in the middle of the hallway. Hmmm. Still not sure about that one! But all in all he's done GREAT!

What else is new with Mr. Hooper....hmmm He is FASCINATED with lawn mowers, tractors and tools. So much so that we're scrapping the idea of a Mickey Mouse Birthday and changing it to a "tool" theme. Where on earth am I going to find tool favors? I've even researched the internet and am coming up completely empty! Yesterday I was changing the sheets on his bed and found a plastic hammer in them and one day last week he would not lay down without his wrench in hand. What a boy!

He's talking more and more and really enjoys playing outside. Today I asked him for a kiss and he bent down and kissed my belly. Too precious! He thinks all animals say "moo" no matter what type it is, with the exception to kitties and they say "mowww." Silly boy! We went to eat at Chuy's this weekend and had a little wait so we took him to see the Llama's behind the restaurant (yes in Plano, ha) and he just saying "moo moo" to them over and over. It was so funny. But neither Dee or I knew the true sound a llama makes, so we didn't correct him. Who knows, maybe they do say "moo?"

We only have 8 more weeks until Neyland is here! Yippee!!!! I cannot believe it's so close! I am so ready to see and hold him!! It just does not seem real though! His room is almost complete...almost. Hooper is going to spend this next weekend at my parents house so Dee and I have a goal of being 100% complete with the nursery by the time Hooper returns on Sunday. Pray for us, ha!

That's it for the latest update. Hopefully pictures will be back up later in the week. I only have a couple 100 or so to update, ha!

Thanks for stopping in. God bless!

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