Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hooper at Nana and Papa's

Since Hooper is now 2 I thought I'd share some cute stories from the past few days with him. I promise new pictures of Hooper and Neyland will appear soon! But until then here are a couple cute Hooper stories before I forget....

Yesterday I was changing Neyland's diaper and he decided to "fountain" me, yet again. Hooper was watching and started yelling "bubbles, bubbles." (bubbles is his word for any type of water) Too cute!

Ok these may be a little too personal but they're cute and I don't want to forget them so I'm going to go ahead and share anyways.....Since I had a c-section I cannot lift anything heavy for a while, aka Hooper. Well in trying to get him to understand this I decided to show him my incision and bandages. He was amazed. The bad part is now no matter where we are he tries to pull my pants down to see my "ouch." On that note...he likes to help me feed Neyland. Well he's in the room while I'm nursing. Anyhow now when Neyland starts crying and I mention he's hungry, Hooper grabs my shirt and starts yelling "off, off" no matter where we are or who's around. How do you teach an almost 2 yr old modesty?

Hooper's fascinated with Neyland's umbilical cord/belly button, he points to it and calls it "poo poo."

Along with Hooper's fascination with tools he likes to "drill" Neyland's buttons on his pj's with his toy drill. He tried to hammer him once but thankfully I was right there and stopped it before any "pow pow" happened!

Fun stuff about my Big Boy:

Hooper's favorite toys are tools and he's having a tool themed birthday party. He also still loves Ike the stuffed dog and his vacuum cleaner. His favorite thing to watch is Imagination Movers and right now his favorite book is "Bob's Busy Saw" about Bob the Builder and his hand saw. He absolutely LOVES lawn mowers or any landscaping tool/equipment for that matter. If anyone is mowing their yard anywhere remotely close his eyes light up and he watches them out the window until their completely done.

He's still a great eater, praise God! He loves any fruit and if he's ever in a mood where we, for some reason can't get him to eat, we just take him out to eat fried shrimp and it fixes everything. A few more of his favorite foods are his cereal bars, green beans, smoothies, gravy on top of anything, his daddy's banana pancakes, ranch style beans (he gets this from me), corn on the cob, and he loves to lick the beaters after I make mashed potatoes or mixing up a chocolate cake...yummy!
At his 2 year well visit he is measuring:
35 inces tall= 68 percentile
weighs 27 lbs = 38 percentile
and my big headed kid's head circumference is 20 inches = 94 percentile (we knew he was brilliant, this just proves it!)
All that to say...he is perfect!

He is full of life and is a barrell of FUN 24/7! We are so blessed with him. Seeing the world through his eyes is absolutely the BEST thing in the world to me! I am so blessed!

Hooper went home with Nana and Papa for the first few days we were home from the hospital. Here are some pictures of his adventures with them. I promise new pictures of Neyland will be next!

Nana and Hooper riding the golf cart through the garden.

Helping Papa pick corn.

Nana and Papa are doing a massive renovation on their house and the oven door has been off. This drives Hooper nuts. He has to work on it constantly!Picking squash. Enjoying the fruit of his labor.
Love the face here. I just wish I knew what he was doing.
Papa tied a wagon to the back of the golf cart and it was a HUGE hit in Hooper world.

Papa got out his tools and cut some branchs from the tree and Hooper was thrilled to help!

Love, love, love this kid!
He has to make sure the birds are taken care of now doesn't he? They can't survive without a good bath to splash around in!
I wasn't there, but from the looks of it he had a blast!
Thanks again Mom and Dad for entertaining him for us while we recooped!

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