Monday, December 7, 2009

Neyland's 5 Month Pictures

Actually these are 5 taken on Dec 3, 2009 which makes Neyland 5 months and 1 week old. Thanksgiving fell on his "birthday week" and threw me off, oops! As you see Neyland is in a HUGE growth spurt right now. He is so sweet it's just unbelievable! He now rolls over from front to back all the time and is just about to roll from back to front any day now...I think. He is still toothless but I see something resembling tooth buds on his bottom gums so we're thinking any day we'll get one. He started cereal earlier around 4 1/2 months but it didn't agree with his tummy just yet, so we took him off until just last week. And last night he started sweet peas, yummy! He and Hooper still love each other unconditionally! He loves to lay around and watch Hooper and William. In fact if he gets fussy all I have to do is put him in sight of Hooper and he's fine. It's so fun to watch the two of them together! Here's some photos of his 5 month (and 1 week) photo shoot with Mr. Bear:

In case you're wondering...the scratch across his face happened the night before in his sleep. I snipped his fingernails before he went to bed and must have left one too sharp...oops!

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