Monday, May 10, 2010


My boys are just like me...their faces say's whatever they are thinking, good or bad. Here are some pictures I've came across with their faces telling it all.
One day Hooper got too quiet, so I went to check on him. He had managed to get the chocolate cake off the counter, without spilling it, down to the floor and was having himself a good ol' picnic! Is this the look of guilt or what?
He was so cute I couldn't get onto he continued to enjoy himself.
He was so proud of his find!
But now as proud when I said "enough."
So he decided to eat his hammer instead. Doesn't look near as tasty to me.
Meanwhile Ol' Big Eyes has some sweet looks of his own to give you.

He absolutely melts me!
Couldn't you just eat him up?
Check his hair out...I gelled it, ha!
Faces...each one is perfect!

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