Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Neyland's 9 Month Pictures

On March 24, Neyland turned 9 months old. I know I've said this before, but he is the sweetest, most precious little man! At nine months he has 4 teeth (2 tops and 2 bottoms), almost crawling, saying "dada" indescriminately and LOVES Hooper and William! At his 9 month well check up he is:
29 inches tall 73rd percentile
19.5 pounds 28th percentile
head circumference of 19.75..100th percentile
All that to say our little angel is PERFECT! Praise God!!!
Here are his pictures from his 9 month photo shoot with Mr. Bear whom he LOVES more than anything!!! Love this!

He claps now too!
I can ask him where his teddy bear is and he immediately starts looking for him.
The fight is on!
Big Boy!
Oh I'm so blessed!
Did I mention he loves to "talk!"

and on occasion he fusses...but only when something is wrong! I guess he's done here!
This has been the BEST 9 months of my have Neyland, Hooper and Dee in my life. Yes, we are in survival mode around here, but it sure is FUN!

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