Monday, August 18, 2008

Puddles, Grandparents, a Mop and a Broom

Time for an update from our little man. But first, we want to take a minute to thank everyone for your prayers, cards, kind words and e-mails this past week. God has blessed our family with you as family and friends and we are so thankful!
On to Hooper.....well Blogger is not letting me edit or move around photos again today so there will be some out of order and wierdly placed photos so bear with me again.
Here's Hooper playing Patty Cake. I love his expression!

I can't begin to explain this one, but he was playing with his kick toy from when he was an itty bitty baby and I just happened to catch this cute pose. I know I post a lot of pictures of Hooper playing in his high chair but I just can't resist. He's too funny! Especially when he and Daddy are playing together.Mouth FULL of banana.
Can you guess what he's looking at? He sat here forever staring out the window.....
It's Daddy mowing the yard!
Looks like today is a two bottle day!

Daddy is giving Ike the dog a ride in Hooper's car....and Hooper does not like it!So he decides to tell Daddy about it. And a compromise was reached. You can't tell it, but Hooper can get his Daddy to play just about anything with him. After a while of pushing Hooper around on his knees, Dee engineered a pulling device that's much easier to use. His belt. Hey Hooper's happy, that's all that matters...right?

Notice the multitude of bruises on his shins. Boys!
This is one of those "out of order" pictures. It goes above...oh well. Look how cute he is.

Dee is re-wiring all the kitchen lights under the cabinets and Hooper decided he's big enough to help.He loved playing with the extra extension cords. I know the picture is dark, but check out the expression on his face. He's having a ball!
This is his first time to try and feed himself with a spoon. Pretty good I must say!

It got a little messy!

Two weeks ago my parents came up to help out while I was on "off my feet duty." And while they were here Dee conned my Dad into helping him put together a play set for Hooper. More pictures of this below...ugh blogger! I think the hair and the expression on his face match, ha!
While here my Mom who used to be referred to as Sue-Sue but now Hooper has renamed her "Nana" (we have NO idea where that came from but it's here for good!) anyhow Nana taught Hooper how to "flip." Well he sticks his head to the floor and she does the flipping. But he does it all the time now.
Oh more Ike the Dog loving!
Ike is bigger than Hooper, but that does not stop him from dragging him around.
On to more pictures of his new play set. Hooper and Nana had a blast playing on it!
He has a new fascination.....mops and brooms, ugh! We hope this is not a sign of his future as a janitor.
Oga and Hooper are playing on the new toy now.
"If I could just get my mop up there!"
"Ok, I'll just have to mop my play house."
For his birthday Oga and Nana gave Hooper a sandbox and boy is it a huge HIT!!!
Back to the play set, playing with Nana and Oga.
Peek-a-boo Nana!

Going up the slide is so much more fun than going down it.
See the mop and broom fascination! I'm talking, he'll play with this forever!
Of the tons of toys he has, these are his favorites by far!
When he wants to play in his sandbox he'll just walk over and take the lid off.
What's in there?
It rained one day so his Daddy let him play in the puddles in the drive way. This was a first and of course he loved it.

He did more walking through the puddles than jumping in them. I just hope he didn't get Oga and Nana's car dirty!

While here Oga and Nana brought Hooper to Bass Pro Shops one day and he came home with a new hat. His Oga did not like the blue floppy one with flowers on in he had on in the swimming pool pictures. This one looks much manlier!
That's it. I do want to say a BIG OL' Thank you to my parents for taking care of us the last few weeks. We could not have done this without you! We love you!!

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