Sunday, October 5, 2008

Visiting Nana and Oga's House Part 2

When I posted the last blog, I thought I had more pictures from our trip to Nana and Oga's but I had hidden them from myself in a different file. So here's some more pictures from our trip two weeks ago to Blossom.
Can you guess what's happening here?Nana and Hooper are having fun looking out the front door. Mom (Nana) got the old photo albums out for me to look through while I was home and Hooper decided it was a great place to climb and play.

Hooper loves sitting in Oga's chair with him and Moses.
Yes that pink thing between Hooper's fingers is Moses' tongue. Ugh!
It's easiest to give Hooper's bath in the sink at their house and above the sink are wind chimes which Hooper LOVES to play with.

Sweet baby boy!!!
He's giving his Nana an enduring look of love!!!
You know I can't resist a high chair photo!
When most Mom's go to the store they go down the toy aisle to get their kids a surprise. Not me, I head straight for the cleaning aisle. But look how HAPPY he is with his surprise broom and dust pan. This boy is so easy to please. Christmas should be interesting this year, ha!
That's all for today. I truly think I got all the Blossom pictures blogged now.

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