Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Trip to Ma's House

Two weeks ago Dee had to go to Tucson for the week so Hooper and I headed to my parents. While there we spent one day at Ma's and had a wonderful time!!!
Here's Hooper and Ma sharing some quality time together.
She went to the store room to get Hooper a stick horse but while in there look what he found. "Forget the stick horse, give me that broom!"
I'm in the back yard and Hooper's in the front playing with the men. He looks like he's in prison here. I pray this is the closest to prison he ever gets!!!Great Uncle John John got the red wagon out and Hooper was thrilled!

Great Aunt Connie Kay thinks Hooper's broom fascination is too funny!

I thought this was a wonderful picture of Ma! Can you believe she's turning 80 in October?
She sure doesn't look it!
Another beautiful photo of Ma!Hooper still playing with his broom.Ma was trying to get Hooper to play with her but the only way she could get his attention was of course with the broom. Ugh My child!
She even tried to get him interested in Woody.
She finally found something other than the broom to get his interest....the weather radio. He is just like his Daddy!
Great Aunt Connie Kay is tickeled again! Too sweet!

After school Marla, Kaytie Jane and Maggie came to visit. Look at the teeth on this poor child. Red Necks, ha! Just kididng, they're those Bubba Teeth inserts.
I love this picture of Marla and Maggie. Happy 1st Birthday Maggie. She just celebrated her big day on Sept 21!
If you haven't noticed, Hooper really got attached to Great Aunt Connie Kay. I don't think she minded.
Terrible picture of me, but I like it because I have both Maggie and Hooper sitting with me at the same time. These two are 2 1/2 months apart.

I think they're planning out their escape.
At the end of all the fun Hooper was exhausted and needed some Oga love. He was asleep in no time laying on his shoulder.
Is this pure innocence or what?
We had a wonderful time at Ma's.
I'll post more pictures of our trip to Mom and Dad's house later.
Have a GREAT day!

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