Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another trip to Nana and Oga's House

As I mentioned in my last blog, I'm going through old pictures that I have discovered somehow missed getting put on the blog. These pictures are actually from mid-October when we went to visit Hooper's Nana and Oga (my parents).
Hooper really enjoyed "driving" Nana's car and she let him for as long as he wanted to. Go figure. I don't think Nana chews on her stearing wheel like this. Let's at least hope not.

Now he's moved to Oga's hunting jeep. Can you tell he's making the "vrum vrum" sound here? He's such a boy!
Precious Oga and Nana!
Oga standing outside the jeep while Hooper's "driving."
Hooper wanted to go back to drive Nana's car again. I think he's on the wrong side. But hey, at least he knows how to use the door handle.
So they decide to take a drive together this time. I'm glad he's sharing her car with her.
Even at their house he knows where the Cheerio stash is. Talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar, ha!

I'm ending with one of my favorite pictures. My little brother still likes to sit in my dad's lap and it's precious! I love this kid!!!

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