Thursday, December 18, 2008

Island FUN!

My wonderful, crafty husband built me this island for the kitchen last year and I just LOVE it! I have no idea how I ever managed without it! Well now Hooper loves it as much as I do, just in a different way. This cabinet was designated "his" to hold all his baby food stuff when he was smaller but now that he's "investigating" everything, all his things got moved to other cabinets that are not so "reachable" to him. So he has decided it's the greatest toy ever now! We play "peek a boo" all the time and he just squeals! It's a complete pass through so imagine the fun.

Here's a picture with Hooper's doors open to get a better idea. Now...notice anything different?
Yes, he has discovered he can completely crawl from one side to the other THROUGH it! He just can't get out on the other side without some help.Here's William telling Hooper that it's not such a good idea to be doing this. William is the conscience that Hooper does not have!He even tries to block him from getting in but that didn't work!
There is NEVER a boring day at the Harris house!

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