Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hooper vs the Christmas Tree..part 1

Well everyone told me that Christmas time this year would be different with a toddler around and boy were they right! At first we tried to teach Hooper the "one finger" rule about touching the ornaments with just one finger. Ha, who ever came up with this obviously did NOT have boys. He can do some serious damage with one finger and really get them ornaments to swinging! So now we have a partially decorated tree. From Hooper level up are ornaments and there's nothing but lights on the lower half. Oh well. It's a ton of fun! He LOVES the balls on the tree the most of all and tries his hardest to get them. Here he is trying to climb the tree to get the "ba."Sweet little William always good. Well not always. On ONE instance he unwrapped a present and took the tissue out of a bag. But that's it. He's so good!

Peek-a-Boo Hooper!
His favorite place in the house now is behind the tree.
He then figured out he can stack the presents up to make building blocks to reach the balls.
So I tried to blockade them using pillows. Yeah, right! Not with Hooper!
This just gave him more height to reach higher up the tree.
More to come with the tree on the next post.

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