Friday, June 12, 2009

Grub Club Outing

Our Sunday School class is very large so to try and make it more intimate we have broken it down into several groups that meet up for dinner at least once a quarter. Last weekend we had a hotdog/hamburger cookout and had a blast. The kids played in the kiddie pool, the HUGE water slide and the hot tub that was normal temp. for them. Hooper squeeled for 3 hours straight at all the fun he was having! He was surrounded by older girls who made over him and he LOVED it!
When he first started swimming he just had a diaper on. Once it was very full of water Dee had to change him into a Swimmer (in front of all those girls..he was so embarassed!)
Such a good Daddy!
I kept missing Hooper slide down the water slide. My camera was not as quick as he was unfortunately. But he had NO fear and loved it!
The older girls loved to hang out in the hot tub and since it was a little deep for Hoop, he just hung out and chatted with them.

Family photo. Please excuse the HUGE pregnancy face on me! I love how Tony was able to get all three of us in this picture. He rocks!
Ever since Hooper was born we've said this was going to be his wife. She is beautiful and we couldn't be happier to have her parents, the Dodson's as in-laws! Her name is Kendall. Kendall Harris, I like the sound of it, ha!
We had such a great time! We are so blessed to have such a great church and great Sunday School class! God is so good!

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