Friday, June 12, 2009

Why didn't I think of this?

Last night I was finishing up dinner and Dee took Hooper outside to play for a minute. He had been a stinker toot all day, due to cutting 2 yr. molars, and I was exhausted! When I went outside to check on them Dee had Hooper naked as a jaybird playing in his new swimming pool (pictures to come, I promise). Well after swimming Hooper decided naked mowing would be fun...and the glasses are a must! Dee's mad that I won't let him mow like this, ha!

And naked sliding followed. This was HILARIOUS! Dee and I couldn't stop laughing. Hooper couldn't figure out why he couldn't "slide" as easily as he does normally. But he never stopped. Up and down that slide he went scooting on bare bottom.

I'm so glad mechanics do not work like this, ha! Forget plumbers crack, let's just go nude!
And last but not least before the fun was over...naked tricycle riding.
We had to MAKE him come in for dinner and to say the least he was NOT happy about putting on his clothes again. I'm scared we have an exhibitionist on our hands, ha!

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