Thursday, February 12, 2009

Toys and Tools

This past weekend my parents came for a visit. They're so good, they always come when we have doctor visits to help with the boys. They keep them entertained in the waiting room/hallway or wherever and this allows us a nice quiet sonogram. Otherwise there is NO way Dee could ever get to see or hear anything. Thanks again Mom and Dad!
While they were here Hooper conned them into playing outside again. They will throw the ball on top of the roof and let it roll down, and Hooper thinks it's the funniest thing ever! Here he is trying to get them to "do it again." He has this wonderful plastic whistle that he's attached to lately. Well he got Nana to blow it but boy was that a big mistake. It had been in the sand box and she got a mouth FULL of sand. I think she spit for an hour or more!
What is Papa doing? Yes, he's doing an Indian Dance for Hoop.
Love the nose ring.

Love those big blues!
As any good Grandparent does...they come with a surprise each visit. This time was tools.
Look how serious he is about his "drilling."
Love the stool!
On to the REAL tools. Dee is building Hooper's "Big Boy Bed" and Hooper HAS to help his Daddy every step of the way. I think he wants to make sure it turns out just like he wants it.

"Here's a clamp Daddy"
The saw dust is so much fun to play with.
Helping Daddy measure. This boy is good!

Forget smiling for the camera anymore. I can barely get him to look directly at me. But the weird thing is..when he's playing with the camera and looking through the screen, he says "cheese." Go figure!

Here's Neyland at 5 months! Ok so not all of that is baby....I can blame some of this on the box of Girl Scout Cookies!
My Dad was so good to help Dee!
I have to steal kisses and hugs anymore, unless he's sleepy or weepy.
But a stolen hug is better than no hug at all!

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