Monday, February 9, 2009

Modern Day Miracles

Most of you may not know but my wonderful step-son Craig is a brilliant song writer. And well last week he surprised the heck out of me by writing me this wonderful song and I just had to share it with you. I'm starting with the e-mail he prefaced it with:

Daphney, I wrote this song for you and tried to put myself in your shoes. I love you and thank you for blessing me with one little brother and soon to be another. I can't wait to meet him June 24th...

MASCARA WARNING: Read at your own risk Daph...

It was April 2, 2005: my wedding day
I'll never forget the walk of faith I had to take
Going down the isle, but then I saw his smile
AndI knew with all my heart that the wait was worthwhile
It was a modern day miracle

One yer later we made up our mind, we decided it was time
To have a child, but life seemed to have a diferent plan for us
A miscarriage came, along with pain, but the crazy thing
Is at the same time came faith, and six months later
Came a modern day miracle

I’ll never forget the day I called Dee
And told him that he was gonna be another daddy
And I was gonna be a mommy
And we were gonna be a family
I hit my knees and began to pray
And thought to myself, the Lord works in the most mysterious ways
I’ll never forget, I’ve never heard God speak so loud
Until that day I saw my modern day miracle on that ultrasound

A hundred diapers and a thousand laughs later
Hooper has turned one year old, it’s hard to believe
That it’s been that long since I held him for the first time
Time sure does fly by when you’re
Loving a modern day miracle

I remember the day Dee took me to a game in Tennessee
I never knew the name of the place would soon be a part of me
I was sitting with Hooper in my lap just the other night
And Neyland kicked, they’re already having their first fight
I thank God everyday for my modern day miracles

I’ll never forget the day Dee came home
And I spread sticky notes all around the home
Six notes later he came into the room
And I showed him the note on my belly, it said “Guess what’s in the womb?”
He hugged me and said, "Thank you Lord for sending another blessing my way"

Two weeks later in that little white room he looked at me with this look on his face
And said, “I never thought I would hear God speak so loud
Until we saw our second modern day miracle on that ultrasound"
It’s the sweetest sound

All the late night cries
All the morning smiles
All the diaper changes
And life changes
It gets to be tough at times

But I know inside that these are the best times of my life
Every night after putting Hooper to bed
And before my soon-to-be son Neyland
I hit my knees and pray
And thank God for all the blessing he’s sent my way
I ask him to watch over my boys, myself and my family
I thank him for all that he’s given me
But most of all for speaking up so loud, answering my prayers
And sending me my modern day miracles

Some of the greatest gifts of all are not gifts at all....

"Thank you Craig! You ARE on the top of my list as one of my MODERN DAY MIRACLES!!!"


Anonymous said...

OMG! that is sooooo nice! but so deserving! i dont wear mascara, but i had to cry!!!

Lisa in Paris

Anonymous said...

Awwww...that's the sweetest thing! Craig did a great job; what a blessing he is. Can't wait to meet the newest miracle... --Marla