Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hooper the Mechanic

Papaw should be proud of Hooper, I mean just look at him following in his footsteps! He's definitely got the touch! Last week Dee was replacing batteries in toys and guessed it, Hooper HAD to help! I have a feeling that as soon as he's big enough he's going to be done with Mommy and he's going to be Daddy's little helper 100% of the time.
So after Dee finished replacing batteries Hooper grabbed the screwdriver and went to work on his Tonka truck. He knew it had not been working right lately and decided to fix it.
Look how serious he is. He gets this face when he's really concentrating on something.
What's truly amazing is that he actually puts the screwdriver IN the right holes...everytime. He's no dummy!
I actually got him to look up for 1/2 a second.
Then he decided he needed Daddy's help.

I think they about got it. Team work!
After he and his Daddy worked on it, he picked it up and headed to the garage door and he knew that is where all the real tools were and that's where you go to really work on stuff. We got so tickeled! What a boy!

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