Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Playing catch-up...or at least trying :)

Ok, so I'm farther behind on blogging than I've ever been, but I refuse to give in to defeat! So here is another attempt to play catch up. And please forgive me for these being out of order...all I know is they're taken some time between today and June 24 (Neyland's birthday).
Here's my #1 man and Neyland getting some good lovin'. Neyland is just like Hooper...he LOVES laying on his daddy's chest. Does this look comfy or what?
Laying on his UT pillow.
Let the brain washing begin, ha!
I have a picture of Hooper that I'm searching for that looks JUST LIKE Neyland here.
Sorry that most of his pictures are of him sleeping, but he does a lot of that.
More chest laying lovin' going on.

Oh look, he's awake for a picture! And HAPPY!
But not for long, he's back asleep.
Who couldn't just love looking at this all day?
Terrible picture but it's one of the few I have of us so far.
Trying for some tummy time in the "Boppy" pillow but he fell asleep.
Look how cute he is when he "wads" up. He's so tiny!
We even sleep face up in the Boppy pillow...notice it's in the Pack'N'Play?
That's for safety...from Hooper, ha!

Notice Hooper's head in the lower left corner. He's LOVES looking at Neyland.
I do know this was early on (Neyland was around 2 wks old). The only time Hooper shows ANY jealousy is around Nana and Papa.
Hooper sharing some of his kisses with Papa too. At least he's not selfish with them, but Neyland does get more than anyone!

Hooper had on carpenter shorts so Papa filled each compartment with tools and Hoop LOVED it!
Each time he came down the hall he had more and more equipment. Too cute!
I'm not sure but I don't think the safest place for a chainsaw is in the shirt, ha!
That's it for now. I still have LOTS of fun pictures to share. Pray I eventually get to them all!
I don't want to miss sharing my boys life with family and friends!

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