Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Frog FUN!

Back in June a poor little toad frog didn't know what he was getting into when he decided to take a dip in our pool. Boy was he in for a rude awakening when Hooper and William discovered him! Actually it was quiet funny how it happened. After breakfast one morning I decided we would go outside to play before it got too hot. As I was preparing the boys (breakfast, hats, sunscreen etc) I looked outside and saw that the water in the pool was moving. Of course I feared the worst...snake or rat. Oh my! But I put on my big girl panties and marched outside to see what had invaded my babies swimming pool. Much to my relief (kind of) it was a toad frog. Mind you I still wouldn't touch it and thought the boys would enjoy it. THANKFULLY Nana and Papa were coming for a visit that day, so by the time the boys were ready to head outside, they were here to help me with my friendly visitor. Scared of frogs...not those two, so I knew God was once again looking out for me by sending them on this very day! Dirty diapers and puke, I can handle. Frogs..no thank you! The frog didn't bother Nana a bit!
Hooper really didn't want to touch it but really enjoyed letting Papa play with it and looking at it in HIS hands.
This poor, poor frog. I think he was rethinking his decision about taking a dip in this resort pool, ha!

Ok so the boys wouldn't touch it with their hands but a laddle and spatula was just what the doctor ordered. Soup ah la frog, anyone?
William would flip it around like it was a pancake. Oh this frog was definitely looking for a noose at this point!

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