Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tool belts, lawn mowing and cars.

Check out these BIG beautiful blue eyes! I LOVE them so much! The latest fashion accessory...a tool belt..full of tools!Daddy's mowing the yard (hence the upside down swimming pool in the back ground), and Hooper was going from window to window watching him. Also a favorite fashion piece, his "tool" shirt. He loves pointing to all the different tools on it. In fact the other day Dee was dressing him in it and Hooper would not let him put it on for wanting to look at it. So Dee finally gave up and after a while here came Hoop coming down the hall, shirt in hand ready for Dee to finally dress him. I'm not sure why there are not pants, but oh well, he LOVES the shirt.
William loves to wear the goggles and looks so cute in them.
Now Dee has moved to the side of the house mowing so Hooper had to move windows. It's much more comfortable to watch his daddy while sitting in his car. Love the smile! He definitely got it from his Nana and me!
Very interesting way to sit in his car, but hey what ever floats your boat, right?
(taken July 2009)

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