Monday, March 2, 2009

At the park with Nana and Papa

As I mentioned the past two weeks have been quiet difficult in the Harris House to say the least. Last week we passed around the terrible stomach virus and the week before I started having small contractions with cramping and was ordered off my feet for a couple days, ugh! And guess who came to babysit? Papa...BOTH times! Praise God for parents who live so close and who love us so much!!!! And as soon as Nana got off work on Thursday she headed straight over too so she could help...and get some Hooper lovin'! Thanks again Mom and Dad, I have NO idea what we would do without you!!!
Here are some photos of two weeks ago when they came to visit and we took the boys to the park.
Notice how both boys are in matching bright UT (that's TN) orange? I learned this by watching Jon and Kate Plus 8. She said bright matching colors are easier to keep up with...and she was right!
Trying to decide whether they can make it up the dark tunnel slide or not.
"Let's give it a try at least!"
Hooper had Nana's full attention taking her through each piece of the playground.

William much prefered the swing to anything else. He stayed in it 99% of the time.
But NOT Hooper. That swing is too confining. This boy's got to be on the move all the time!

Poor Nana, she had to be exhausted after all this chasing!

You may wonder why there are not as many pictures of Papa? Well he was in charge of pushing the swing with William.
Up the "rock" wall he goes!

Hooper LOVES to look at airplanes. Nana found one and is pointing it out.

I thought this was too cute. As Papa pushed the boys by the metal fence they both would stick their hands out and let the rungs fling over them.

Nana "the photographer" grabbing some cute shots!
On the way home for a snack.
What a FUN day they had!

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