Monday, March 23, 2009

Froggy Potty

Lately Hooper has been telling us when he's gone "poo poo" and when he also points to his "tee tee" diapers in the mornings and tells us about them too. So we thought we'd get a potty and just see what he does. Well at first he wasn't too sure about it, but night before last when I was running his "bubbles" he started saying "tee tee" and trying to sit on his potty full dressed. We took his bottoms off and he sat down and actually tinkled a few drops. We're so excited. We are not pushing the issue but just letting him go at his own speed. Here are some shots (non-revealing) of his 2nd time on the potty, last night. We were too excited and unprepared to catch the first time, sorry!
Is this the cutest potty ever? I wish they made them for grown ups! I sure could use one beside our bed lately for the million trips to the bathroom all night, ha!

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