Friday, March 13, 2009

Catch up on random Hooper stuff......

This blog takes randomness to a whole new level. Nothing majorly exciting has happened that I caught on camera so here's just some cute pictures taken over the past week or so. Oh wait we did have a major event happen this week but no pictures were taken. Tuesday I went grocery shopping with the boys and had William in the sitting portion of the cart and Hooper was in the back part where you put the groceries. This particular cart had a very short "wall" around it's parameters so I sat Hooper down instead of letting him stand. I had put some boxes of rice in the cart and Hooper thought they were fun to play with, no big deal right? Well I don't know if he stood up and leaned back or what happened but the next thing I knew I heard a big "clunk" and he was flat on his back on the hard floor. Without even thinking I grabbed him up, his eyes were rolling back in his head and he was limp as a wet noodle. (I now know NOT to move a possible head/neck/spine injured person) He didn't cry for a minute or two but then the whailing started. He fell flat on his back/head and it scared me to death. So I immedately RUSHED him to the Children's Hospital ER in Plano (just down the street thankfully) fearing head injury. They did a CT scan and everything was fine, THANK GOD!!! He has some bruising on his spine (just the skin portion, the actual spine is ok) but that was it. He didn't even have a bump pop up on his head or anything. Kids are so wait...God is so GOOD!!! So even though I had no pictures of this I still had to post it. I hope Hooper NEVER has to go to the ER again!! It scared me to death!
Ok back on a happy note.........
Ike, the dog, is still a favorite on any given day. He decided to ride him here. I guess he's preparing to be a rodeo rider...Oh please God NO!!
Love the dimple...
This is how old this picture is, he's still playing with the Valentine balloon (or "boon" as he says).
Love this shot of him watching TV while eating. He has totally tuned me out.
He wanted to be covered up as he played with his toys.
For some reason he had a fascination with a wash cloth ON HIS HEAD this day. This went on for putting it on his head, him taking it off. Over and over and over.
And yes, let's not forget the toothbrush fascination that's still going on. We went to dinner with my parents last night and at the table he HAD to bring his toothbrush and a paint brush. This kid and his "mop mops."
One last one with William. I bought these baskets with hopes of organizing my deep freezer outside. Well the boys decided they were way more fun to play in.

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