Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Morning...Jesus' Birthday Party!

Dee and I have decided not to make Christmas all about Santa but to keep the true meaning of Christmas so we had a Jesus Birthday Party celebration. Hooper still got all the presents, the surprises, the stockings etc. it was just not from Santa but instead we just kept telling him about Jesus' Birthday and that's what we were celebrating and why we have presents. At this age he didn't have a clue but in the years to come we know it will sink in. Needless to say he had a BLAST with all his new toys. He could have really cared less about the clothes, but hey we think they're CUTE!!!
We could not convince him not to sit ON the track that this made the cars unable to go around. But for some reason this was his favorite place with sit. He really enjoyed his new puzzles too. Well taking them apart was fun, we're still working on putting them back together.
With the presents back under the tree he figured out how to stack them high enough to get to the ornaments again.
I promise he climbed up here all by himself. We did not stage this! He's ALL BOY!!!
Dee surprised me and gave me an All-In-One printer for Christmas (he's the BEST!!) and well Hooper enjoyed playing in the box more than he did his toys. Kids!
It just has too many cool things in it to play with.
Here he is in the "ball pit" portion of the tent. We took the tunnel off to grab a good picture.
Believe it or not that's all the pictures I have of Christmas morning :( We were just too busy playing and having a good time to snap pictures I guess. It was a GREAT Christmas! We stayed in our jammies all day, made a big breakfast and a big lunch/dinner and just spent the day together having fun! Jesus' Birthday is the BEST!!!!

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