Saturday, January 17, 2009

Haircut time...again!

Yes, it's that time again. Time for Hooper to get another haircut. He has to go everytime Dee goes which is approx. every 6 weeks. This kid has some hair! And he still HATES getting it cut. However this time he did much better. You can't tell it from the pictures, but trust us, it was much better. We are hoping we see the light at the end of the tunnel with this!
I LOVE this picture! The cutting hasn't even began and Hooper's already crying.
Dee is such a good Daddy!Even the Sponge Bob bib didn't help at first.
But Papa has a balloon that DID help!
Especially when he got the air gun a hold of it!
Look how handsome he is! Fresh spike!
And the prize sucker always makes a boy feel better!
Now Dee's turn! If we can just get him to calm down. Maybe this is where Hooper gets it.
You can't tell he was just screaming his head off a few minutes before can you?
Papa sure likes his new hair do!
Grandparents, a sucker and a is good again!

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