Thursday, January 15, 2009

Outdoor fun with Nana and Papa

Last weekend my parents, Nana and Papa, came over for a visit and we had so much fun. It was actually pretty weather on Friday so they took the boys outside to play.
Hooper eating his measuring cup instead of playing with it in the sand.
We live next to a busy intersection and you can hear cars pass all the time. Hooper always says "vroom vroom" when he hears them, especially if it's a big truck or loud motorcycle. Well Papa decided that Hooper needed to "see" what was actually making the noises behind the fence.
And Nana ran on the other side to catch him peeking over.
I love this shot!
Here he is saying "vroom vroom."
You cannot go outside without playing in the playhouse...that would be a sin!
"Nana, this sand tastes terrible!!!!"
As if he didn't have enough toys outside to play with he had to steal my step stool out of the kitchen.
Hey, at least they're sharing!
While Mom and Dad babysat I grilled up some ribs and chicken. Yummy! Notice the growing belly!

Please excuse my rugs hanging out to dry in the background.
Would you believe these two loving on each other?

Sweet William and Hooper loving on Nana.

Time to eat! Hooper really enjoyed the baked beans and ribs!

Looks like it's time to clean up! Have a blessed day!

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